进击的巨人yyds如果第二季还在我的脑洞范围之内第三季的格局真的打开到我无法预料的高度 看完第二季本以为让人变巨人是壁内皇室干的人生best ten是为了巩固政权谁知第三季推翻了“伪皇”夺回了外墙看到了父亲的记忆知道了壁内只是个落后的小岛知道不论墙内墙外都充斥着假象人们只相信着统治者让他们相信的东西知道了巨人的历史其实复杂第四季应该就会解释始祖之力在哪怎么用谁说的才是真相世界的统治权会到谁手中 PS. 夺墙之站也太热血了吧看到烧烤阿尔敏我都差点昏过去了
why dont you write my eulogy now so I can correct it. What really holds us together is the version . the believe. a life that we are designed for this short time to Dream What does the end look like for me?? gotta be this strong independent woman who have tons of money to spend an tons of time to emjoy w the one that I love —— ynn